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Meet the KSP Team


Kate Driver


Kate is a new writer in the muddle of her first novel. She is thrilled to be the Chairperson of the board, sharing governance and corporate service experience with such an accomplished organisation. As an Australian Institute of Company Directors graduate, Kate understands the value of strategic thinking, which she balances with an irreverent love of the offbeat and random. In addition to sounding like 'Finance Degrees' when said quickly, Fine Arts Degrees have their uses.


Lisa Wolstenholme

Vice Chairperson

Lisa is a multi-published author of contemporary fiction. She was previously on the KSP foundation’s Board of Management and also ran the Wild Weeds Press trial service for the centre. She then took a break from the Board and went on to co-direct another small publishing company before taking the helm of Dragonfly Publishing.

Lisa has gained many years of in-depth knowledge and experience working within the book publishing industry and is excited to rejoin the board and roll her sleeves up where she can.

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Jake Liddelow


Jake joined the KSP team in 2019. He is currently a final year commerce student with majors in finance and accounting at the University of Western Australia.


Ashley Yihsin Chang


Ashley Yihsin Chang has over 25 years experience in art curation, project management, and cultural diplomacy across Taiwan and Perth. Ashley undertook art history studies in the UK, and this international experience added to her multicultural Taiwanese upbringing, to inform her focus on diversity and cross-cultural dialogue in her professional career. As Taipei Artist Village's former Deputy Director, Ashley played a pivotal role in overseeing 40 artists-in-residency annually, which included international writers and poets for significant literary events in Taipei. Committed to fostering interdisciplinary networks and idea exchange, Ashley believes in the critical role literature plays in the cultural landscape. As a new KSP Writers' Centre board member, her goal is to enhance the Centre’s outreach and impact, promoting inclusivity, diversity and extending connections locally, nationally, and into Asia.


Henry Plunkett

Board of Management

Henry is a resident of the Perth Hills. He holds a degree in Creative Writing from Curtin University and co-facilitates the Monday night Novel Writer’s Collective group. He is thrilled to be a member of the board of directors at KSP and involved in the management of such an iconic piece of Perth’s literary history. Henry is working on his first novel, an absurdist comedy about conspiracy theories, set in contemporary WA. He enjoys shooting the breeze with friends, bushwalking, and speaking about himself in the third person.

Shannon Britza

Shannon Britza

Bookkeeper and Heritage Collection Officer

Shannon joined the KSP team as a volunteer newsletter editor in 2012 and went on to become the longest-serving employee in the Centre's history, as the Coordinator and then CEO from 2013-2022. She holds a Bachelor of Writing from Edith Cowan University, is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, and won the Talus Prize for fiction in 2011. She has worked as a second-hand book-seller, freelance editor, and is a published short-fiction author. In 2022 she was awarded a Life Membership in recognition of her service to the KSP Foundation.


Monique Smith

KSP Intern

Monique is an Ecu Student studying a Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative/ Professional writing. She has chosen to undertake her internship with KSP Writers Centre and hopes to pursue her love of writing once she graduates using her newfound knowledge from her time at the centre.


Sofija Stevanovic


Sofija joined the KSP team as a Coordinator after deciding to finally pursue a life she dreamed of since she can remember. She holds a Bachelor of Marketing and PR  and is currently doing her Master of Arts in Creative Writing through Curtin University. If she is not working, studying or plotting one of her horror-themed stories you will find her sipping on coffee with cockatiels, Phineas and Birb on her shoulders. 

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Prof. Glen Phillips


Professor Glen Phillips is an internationally known poet, fiction writer, teacher and Director of the Landscape Centre at Edith Cowan University. At the first KSP Committee Meeting on 14 August 1985, Glen was elected as Chairperson. Glen currently plays an active role in guiding the Board of Management as needed and in supporting the Centre’s activities.

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Mardi May

Board; LitCom Coordinator

Mardi has facilitated the Social History Writing Group (Past Tense) since its inception in 2002, and the Poetry Group (Poets@KSP) since 2008. She has published ten books of poetry and social history, and won numerous awards in several genres. Each year she edits the anthologies for her groups and organises selection panels for KSP's Writer-in-Residence program.


Sarah Leck

Board of Management

Sarah is a relatively new writer having joined the KSP Novel Writers Collective last year. In her professional life she is a consultant with extensive experience in business case development, economic analysis and reporting. Sarah has an MSc in Economics from University of Sheffield and is currently studying for an MSc in Environmental Science from UWA.


Alia Bath

Board of Management

Alia is a writer and cellist who has made her home in the Perth hills. Her main interest as a writer is in speculative fiction, with a few recent diversions into epic poetry and graphic novels. With a degree in communications and a background in project management, she is trying to manage herself into publication. If only she could stop reading for long enough she might make it happen.


Rebekah Sheedy

Board of Management

Rebekah has been a part of the KSP community since October 2018 and was previously with Wild Weeds Press trial. Since 2021, she has been the project manager at Dragonfly Publishing. 


She has a Bachelor of Arts (Professional Writing and Publishing & Literary and Cultural Studies) and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Curtin University and completed her Graduate Certificate in Editing and Electronic Publishing at Macquire University in 2023. 

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Fern Pendragon

Gardening Coordinator

Fern has volunteered at the KSP Writers' Centre since 2014, and has made an incredible difference in developing the heritage-listed KSP gardens. She coordinates work teams and provides training for other garden volunteers. She has also developed a unique heritage garden tour. A former nursery manager and member of Mundaring in Transition, Fern brings a wealth of knowledge, passion and warmth to the Centre. In 2015 she was awarded KSP Volunteer of the Year in recognition of her work.


Steph BedFord

Youth Tutor

Steph is a Perth-based tutor, avid reader and freelance editor with a deep love for all writerly things. Having worked in the theatre and scriptwriting industry over the last 5 years, she appreciates the beautiful uniqueness creative expression can bring.


Steph's goal is to understand each students needs, goals and aspirations in order to guide, support, and inspire their future endevours. She hopes to create a space with her students wherer education and pure joy of zealpous imagination meet to make anything possible!


KSP Life Members


Charles Staples (RIP)

Glen Phillips

Sally Clarke (RIP)

Christopher Prince

Eris Macdonald

Christopher Oakeley

Collin O’Brien (RIP)

Mardi May

Shannon Britza


KSP Committees

Gardening Committee


Fern Pendragon

Wooroloo Prison Farm

Sheree Lewis

Bernie Lewis

Literary Advisory Committee


Mardi May

Glen Phillips

Melissa O'Shea

Guy Salvidge

Nathan Hobby

Melinda Tognini

Carolyn Wren

Elizabeth Lewis

Josephine Taylor

Emily Paull

Hospital Poets Committee


Shey Marque

Mardi May

Maggie van Putten

Rose van Son

Marcella Polain

Ffion Murphy

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