Meet Cath Drake, 2018 Emerging Writer-in-Residence

Cath Drake is an Australian from Perth who lives in London. She has been published in anthologies and literary magazines in UK, Australia and US. Sleeping with Rivers won the 2013 Mslexia/Seren poetry pamphlet prize and was the Poetry Book Society summer choice 2014. She was included in Best Australian Poetry 2014 anthology, short-listed for for the 2012 Venture Poetry Prize and 2015 Manchester Poetry Prize, and second in the 2017 Resurgence Poetry School Poetry Prize. A poetry collection with Seren Books is forthcoming in 2020. She is also a copywriter and non-fiction writer with a specialism in storytelling and her work includes award-winning journalism and PR. Cath is supported by Arts Council England.
You can meet Cath at the following events: