KSP Member Library
Deep within the KSP Writers’ Centre, a comfy recliner in a book-lined room awaits you.
Many of you will be familiar with the library by now, but there are some who have may not yet discovered this little gem. Situated in one of the backrooms beyond the dining room, it offers a wide selection of books and a comfortable place to browse the shelves or simply sit and read.
The books are divided into categories:
Short Stories
The literature section is filled with books donated by Professor Brian Dibble as well as back issues of literary magazines such as Westerly. There is a large poetry collection and a good selection of plays, scripts and monologues. There are anthologies published by various groups at the KSP Writers’ Centre, books by individual members of the Centre, and books donated by visitors and Writers-in-Residence. You'll be surprised at what you'll find.
Apart from the reference section, all books may be borrowed by current KSP Writers’ Centre members for up to two weeks. The library works on an honour system, so simply write your name in the designated book and cross it off when returning.
The books displayed in the dining/sitting room are The Katharine Susannah Prichard Collection and enquiries about them must be made at the front office.
Please see here for a catalogue of all KSP works held on the premises.