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KSP Bookshelf

This bookshelf features work from KSP's members, Ambassadors and Writer-in-Residence alumni. Support the KSP family! By buying a book listed here, you are supporting your community. Click on a title to be redirected to the author or publisher website, or other online sales platform, to purchase. All sales profit goes to the author; we do not take a commission for this promotional service. Categories are listed alphabetically. To add a book to the shelf, please email KSP with your name, genre of book (based on the categories we have listed on the bookshelf), cover image, short blub of around 50 words, and a web link to purchase. Limit two books per person.

Anthologies & Collections

Crime & Mystery

Fantasy, Paranormal & Science Fiction

General & Literary Fiction

Historical Fiction

Non-Fiction, Biography & Memoir



Women's Fiction & Romance

Young Adult & Children's Books

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