Your KS #72 – New Katharine Susannah Prichard ebooks
By Nathan Hobby

Back in April last year, we were excited to share the news that Katharine Susannah Prichard’s out of print novels Intimate Strangers and Working Bullocks were being republished as ebooks for the first time as part of the Untapped project. They are now both available to read through your local public library. I checked my library and found them listed on the catalogue, available through two free apps— Borrowbox and Overdrive—to read on a phone or other device. You can also purchase them through Kobo or Kindle. Working Bullocks beautifully evokes the karri forests around Pemberton and the difficult lives of timber workers soon after World War One. Intimate Strangers takes readers to Perth beaches at the end of the Swinging Twenties and into the unrest of the Great Depression. If you haven’t read Katharine before or stopped with Coonardoo, now’s the time to borrow one of these.
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