Spooky Stories Sundowner
This free event celebrates the launch of KSP's 2024 spooky story anthology, featuring all the winning and shortlisted entries from the KSP 2024 Spooky Story Competition sponsored by Tabetha Rogers Beggs of Little Black Dress Productions. Judge Carolyn Wren will announce the winners, which will be followed by readings from a select number of authors. Registration is essential.
When: Saturday 31st August 2024, 5.00-7.30pm AWST at the KSP Writers' Centre
Can't make it?
Tune into the live stream of the event by viewing the
KSP Writers' Centre Facebook or Instagram pages.
How to Get Your Hands on an Anthology
Pre-Orders are now open, email office@kspwriterscentre.com
Pre Order (before event): $10 each
After event price: $15 each
We accept both cash or card.
Call or email us before coming to pick up.
Pre Order (before event): $15 for one, $30 for two, $40 for three.
After event prices: $20 for one, $40 for two, $45 for three.
Contact us for a quote if you'd like to purchase more than three.
Invoices can be created if required.
To pay by card, please phone the office on 9294 1872 during office hours
Send a direct bank transfer to
Name: KSP Foundation Inc
BSB: 633 000
Acct: 147352983
Ref: SURNAME SS Anthology
After making the transfer, please email us at office@kspwriterscentre.com to let us know how much you've transferred, your name, mobile phone number and your postal address.

The KSP Spooky Story Competition is sponsored by Tabetha Rogers Beggs of Little Black Dress Productions and the KSP Foundation Inc, published by Dragonfly Publishing and supported by Shire of Mundaring.