Oct 10, 2016
Writing Residencies in Australia
The team at KSP is incredibly proud of its residency programs. They offer writers the valuable opportunity to add to their CV, focus on...

Aug 17, 2016
Spring Story Retreat: An Interview with Laurie Steed
Laurie Steed, author of You Belong Here, will be hosting KSP's Spring Story Retreat in November 2016. I had the opportunity to interview...

Aug 8, 2016
An International Affair: Book Launch of Over and Under
On a rainy Monday 8 August 2016, KSP members and guests took their seats in the warmth of the conference room in anticipation for the...

Mar 1, 2016
Your KS #8: Following Katharine to Emerald
Nathan in front of the writers’ mural at Emerald Lake Park with KSP, Vance and Nettie Palmer, and CJ Dennis In January, my intermittent,...

Feb 8, 2016
Popular Australian author Ben Law on his 'Family Law'
The KSP team have been glued to the telly these past few Sunday nights, tuning into Benjamin Law's hilarious and heart-warming new show...

Feb 1, 2016
Life and Loves: from Katharine’s Place to London
KSP is thrilled to announce that former Writer-in-Residence Tracy Farr's wonderful debut novel, The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt, has...

Feb 1, 2016
Your KS #7: Katharine the Celebrity, Melbourne 1916
Exactly a hundred years ago, Katharine Susannah Prichard returned to Melbourne after five years abroad. Celebrity mattered even during...

Dec 31, 2015
2015 Writerly Wrap-Up
2015 has been a great year for KSP with many achievements to shout about. We saw record numbers in attendance at our Open Day in May and...